Computer Virus Infection indicators:

We want to install latest antivirus in our PC and after installation we think our computer became safe and secure but we have to know our computer is infected or not,for this there is no need of huge technical skill simply monitor your PC and find out is behave of your PC match  with following behave.

Virus Infection indicators:

  1. Your computer always stops responding when you try to use Microsoft Office products.
  2. You cannot start Windows Task Manager.
  3. Antivirus software indicates a virus is present.
  4. You received an e-mail message that has a strange attachment. When you open the attachment, dialog boxes appear or a sudden degradation in system performance occurs.
  5. There is a double extension on an attachment that you recently opened, such as .jpg.vbs or .gif.exe.
  6. An antivirus program is disabled for no reason and it cannot be restarted.
  7. An antivirus program cannot be installed on the computer or it will not run.
  8. Strange dialog boxes or message boxes appear on screen.
  9. Someone tells you that they have recently received e-mail messages from you containing attached files (especially with .exe, .bat, .scr , .vbs extensions), which you did not send.
  10. New icons appear on the Desktop that you did not place there, or are not associated with any recently installed programs.
  11. Strange sounds or music plays from the speakers unexpectedly.
  12. A program disappears from the computer, and it was not intentionally uninstalled.
  13. A virus infection could also cause the following symptoms, but these symptoms could also be the result of ordinary Windows functions, or problems within Windows that is not caused by a virus.
  14. Windows will not start at all, even though you have not made any system changes, or you have not installed or removed any programs.
  15. Windows will not start because certain critical system files are missing, and then you receive an error message that lists those files.
  16. There is a lot of modem activity. If you have an external modem, you may notice the lights blinking extensively when the modem is not being used. You may be unknowingly supplying pirated software.
  17. The computer starts as expected sometimes, but at other times it stops responding before the desktop icons and taskbar appear.
  18. The computer runs very slowly and it takes a long time to start.
  19. Out-of-memory error messages appear, even though your computer has plenty of RAM.
  20. New programs do not install properly.
  21. Windows spontaneously restarts unexpectedly.
  22. Programs that used to run now stop responding frequently. If you try to remove and reinstall the software, the issue continues to occur.