As we know we are leaving in cyber world where technology and internet provide lot of benefits with huge dangers aspect.cyber world serves equally to both hackers and crackers.
It also provide lot of way of security hence we need to take precautions to protect(secure) yourself online.
What are some warnings to remember or some security tips to use?
Don't trust candy from strangers - Finding something on the internet does not guarantee that it is true.or secure or it will full fill all security criteria
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is - You have probably seen many emails promising fantastic rewards or monetary gifts. However, regardless of what the email claims, there are not any wealthy strangers desperate to send you money. Beware of grand promises—they are most likely spam, hoaxes, or phishing schemes . Also be wary of pop-up windows and advertisements for free downloadable software—they may be disguising spyware.
Don't advertise that you are away from home - Some email accounts, especially within an organization, offer a feature (called an autoresponder)
that allows you to create an "away" message if you are going to be away from your email for an extended period of time. The message is automatically
sent to anyone who emails you while the autoresponder is enabled. While this is a helpful feature for letting your contacts know that you will not be
able to respond right away, be careful how you phrase your message. You do not want to let potential attackers know that you are not home, or, worse, give specific details about your location and itinerary. Safer options include phrases such as "I will not have access to email between [date] and [date].
" If possible, also restrict the recipients of the message to people within your organization or in your address book. If your away message replies to spam, it only confirms that your email account is active. This may increase the amount of spam you receive Lock up your valuables - If an attacker is able to access or breaches your cesurity, your personal data, he or she may be able to compromise or steal the information.
Take steps to secure this information by following good security practices
Some of the most basic precautions or security include locking your computer when you step away; using firewalls, anti-virus software, and strong passwords security ; installing appropriate software security updates; and taking precautions or security when browsing or using email.
Have a backup plan - Since your information could be lost or compromised (due to an equipment malfunction, an error, or an attack),
make regular backups of your information so that you still have clean, complete copies
Backups also help you identify what has been changed or lost.
It also provide lot of way of security hence we need to take precautions to protect(secure) yourself online.
Don't trust candy from strangers - Finding something on the internet does not guarantee that it is true.or secure or it will full fill all security criteria
Anyone can publish information online without checking it is secure(security) or not , so before accepting a statement as fact or taking action, verify that the source is reliable.or secure
It is also easy for attackers to "spoof" email addresses, so verify that an email is legitimate before opening an unexpected email attachment or responding to a request for personal information If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is - You have probably seen many emails promising fantastic rewards or monetary gifts. However, regardless of what the email claims, there are not any wealthy strangers desperate to send you money. Beware of grand promises—they are most likely spam, hoaxes, or phishing schemes . Also be wary of pop-up windows and advertisements for free downloadable software—they may be disguising spyware.
Don't advertise that you are away from home - Some email accounts, especially within an organization, offer a feature (called an autoresponder)
that allows you to create an "away" message if you are going to be away from your email for an extended period of time. The message is automatically
sent to anyone who emails you while the autoresponder is enabled. While this is a helpful feature for letting your contacts know that you will not be
able to respond right away, be careful how you phrase your message. You do not want to let potential attackers know that you are not home, or, worse, give specific details about your location and itinerary. Safer options include phrases such as "I will not have access to email between [date] and [date].
" If possible, also restrict the recipients of the message to people within your organization or in your address book. If your away message replies to spam, it only confirms that your email account is active. This may increase the amount of spam you receive Lock up your valuables - If an attacker is able to access or breaches your cesurity, your personal data, he or she may be able to compromise or steal the information.
Take steps to secure this information by following good security practices
Some of the most basic precautions or security include locking your computer when you step away; using firewalls, anti-virus software, and strong passwords security ; installing appropriate software security updates; and taking precautions or security when browsing or using email.
Have a backup plan - Since your information could be lost or compromised (due to an equipment malfunction, an error, or an attack),
make regular backups of your information so that you still have clean, complete copies
Backups also help you identify what has been changed or lost.